
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Heat, Pace, and A New Power Song

Oh my its f'ing HOT.  I know, its summer and its supposed to be hot and I love it by the pool.  Does it have to be almost 80 at 9 in the morning?  I had a 3 mile run this morning and it was pretty good, just really hot.  I was still sweating 3 hours later.  I think that's a good thing but its pretty gross.

I need to adjust my thinking when it comes to pace.  I need to quit worrying about it.  I just started running 6 weeks ago.  I shouldn't think about my speed yet, just be happy I'm getting out there and doing it.  I couldn't do what I did today 6 weeks ago. Who cares if I am slow, I'm doing it!

Distance: 3:00 miles
Pace: 16:36
Oh and my new power song.  Have you heard People Like Us by Kelly Clarkson?  Seriously that is the BEST song to run to!


  1. Mr PugRunner gets REALLY upset about his pace now that it's so hot and humid. It's messing with his head and we've had to have a few talks about it, because pretty much everyone is slower during the hot months.

    I bet you're going to see a marked improvement when the weather starts cooling down, and you'll be faster than when the summer started.

    It's all going to work out!

  2. Thanks, I was trying to remember that while I was running. If I can run in this heat, in the fall when it cools down ruining will be a breeze!

  3. Running really is as much mental as physical isn't it? You are already doing more than most people-- you're RUNNING! And you are totally faster than all the people sitting on the couch eating potato chips! LOL :D

    P.S. I totally wish I could comment with Name/URL rather than my Google ID... ;)

  4. It really is. My new motto is if I can run I can do anything. I have some big changes coming this fall and if I can run I can do anything!

    Oh and I think I fixed the comments, I still don't know a whole lot about blogging.
