
Saturday, July 13, 2013

An off week, a long run, and bathroom breaks

I had an off week.  Not sure why, maybe I needed it, but I just wasn't feeling this week.  We went out of town for a few days and I just couldn't get back on track.  I attempted to run at the hotel Tuesday and it was so hot in the gym I couldn't, and I hate the treadmill.   I tried to run at my gym on Wednesday and the power went out.  I headed to the track on Thursday with the kid and after 1.7 miles he feel off his bike and we were done. 

I got back on track today though so lets forget about the rest of the week!  I did 7 miles!  Seriously.  It felt good.  I feel like I am right where I should be in my long runs.  I'm tired at the end but I feel like I could go farther if I wanted to. 

I tried out some Cliff Power Shots, I tried them last week in the afternoon around my house to see what they did to my stomach.  It seemed good.  So I took the other 4 with my today.   At mile 2 I took one with some water then about every mile after that I chewed one with some water.  Not so good.  At mile 4.5 I had to go, by 5, I really had to go and I couldn't run anymore. I made it to the gas station right about 5.5.  I know I need to do something while I run but my body does not process food in the morning, at all.  I never eat in the morning.  It always makes me sick.  So I'm not sure what to do.  I'd like to try some of the NUUN tablets in my water and see if I can tolerate those and they give me the boost I need.  I also ordered a few types of gels to try out.  I'm not sure if i can do those either but I will try.

Back to today, my times are crazy and all over the place!  I'm not sure where that 9:12 came from hah!  I realized I was going to fast and if i didn't slow down I wasn't going to make it, I think I slowed down a little to much though. One day I will figure out my pacing! It was just so nice this morning. 

            mm MileTimeChangeAvg Pace
23:13- 4:47 (34%)9'12"/mi
39:46+ 7:20 (-80%)16'33"/mi
54:49- 1:30 (9%)15'02"/mi
1:09:42- 0:09 (1%)14'53"/mi
1:26:49+ 2:13 (-15%)17'06"/mi
1:42:16- 1:39 (9%)15'27"/mi

Oh look who came with me today!  My wonderful husband.  I only let him run half of it with me.  He doesn't run and I didn't want him to get hurt.  He walks fast enough to pretty much keep up and he catches up when I take my walk break. 

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