
Monday, July 1, 2013

Easy Run

Sorry for missing a few days.  I'm playing catch up now.  We just kinda had an off weekend. I didn't get around to posting. 

I had a nice and easy run Sunday.  I wanted to go between 2-3 miles.  I did a lot of little hills.  I try to run on the about once a week.  I didn't do intervals, I just wanted to run till I needed to walk.  I knew I wouldn't be able to run up the hills the whole time.  It was really nice to get out and just run.  Not worry about time, pace or intervals. 

Distance: 2.36 Miles
Pace 16:56

Here's my schedule for this week. 

Monday- Rest
Tuesday- 3 miles + ST
Wednesday- 40 minutes XT
Thursday- 3 miles
Friday- Rest
Saturday- 6 miles
Sunday- 3 miles


  1. Graet plan for the week! You're doing great! Saturday is going to be so awesome for you! I can't wait to hear how it goes!

  2. Thank you! I hope you are feeling better!
