
Sunday, July 21, 2013

6 miles, a day late and 2 miles short

I was supposed to run 8 miles yesterday.  It was hot and muggy at 6:00 in the morning.  I didn't run.  I wanted till today when it was going to be 20 degrees cooler in the morning.  So I moved it Sunday.  It was much cooler but it was still really muggy. 

I just wanted feeling it.  I started to slow and then went to fast.  Then my head hurt, then my feet hurt, then my stomach hurt.  I was tired and dizzy, and then at mile 5 I started to feel better. I didn't map my run very well, and I eneded up back at my car right at 6 miles and took it as a sign that I was done.  I'm glad I did.  I have felt pretty crappy all day.  Not really sure why just not feeling great and I have an awful headach.  Anyways here are my splits. 

24:02- 6:03 (40%)8'59"/mi
37:18+ 4:16 (-48%)13'16"/mi
52:56+ 2:21 (-18%)15'37"/mi
1:07:39- 0:53 (5%)14'43"/mi
1:23:23+ 1:00 (-7%)15'43"/mi

 I am all over the place again.  I need to stop stressing about my times and just enjoy the fact that I can go out and run 6 miles, even if I feel like shit.  I hope I can get back on track next week.  Its been an odd week. 


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Great Run

I had an amazing run yesterday.   My kiddo is camping with his aunt so I had the house to myself.  I got up and ran nice and early.  I wanted to do at least three, maybe 4 miles, I didn't really have a route in mind I just kinda parked by the bike path and took off.  I felt great and my times were too.  This is the second time I've had great times, but I'm still not convinced it wasn't a fluke.  I don't feel like I'm going that much faster.  Get this though, I had negative splits!  Seriously!  I also had a sub 30 5k! It was a great run.

Distance: 3.5 miles
Pace: 9:59

 I don't even know how I did a 7'14 mile, that's just insane!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

An off week, a long run, and bathroom breaks

I had an off week.  Not sure why, maybe I needed it, but I just wasn't feeling this week.  We went out of town for a few days and I just couldn't get back on track.  I attempted to run at the hotel Tuesday and it was so hot in the gym I couldn't, and I hate the treadmill.   I tried to run at my gym on Wednesday and the power went out.  I headed to the track on Thursday with the kid and after 1.7 miles he feel off his bike and we were done. 

I got back on track today though so lets forget about the rest of the week!  I did 7 miles!  Seriously.  It felt good.  I feel like I am right where I should be in my long runs.  I'm tired at the end but I feel like I could go farther if I wanted to. 

I tried out some Cliff Power Shots, I tried them last week in the afternoon around my house to see what they did to my stomach.  It seemed good.  So I took the other 4 with my today.   At mile 2 I took one with some water then about every mile after that I chewed one with some water.  Not so good.  At mile 4.5 I had to go, by 5, I really had to go and I couldn't run anymore. I made it to the gas station right about 5.5.  I know I need to do something while I run but my body does not process food in the morning, at all.  I never eat in the morning.  It always makes me sick.  So I'm not sure what to do.  I'd like to try some of the NUUN tablets in my water and see if I can tolerate those and they give me the boost I need.  I also ordered a few types of gels to try out.  I'm not sure if i can do those either but I will try.

Back to today, my times are crazy and all over the place!  I'm not sure where that 9:12 came from hah!  I realized I was going to fast and if i didn't slow down I wasn't going to make it, I think I slowed down a little to much though. One day I will figure out my pacing! It was just so nice this morning. 

            mm MileTimeChangeAvg Pace
23:13- 4:47 (34%)9'12"/mi
39:46+ 7:20 (-80%)16'33"/mi
54:49- 1:30 (9%)15'02"/mi
1:09:42- 0:09 (1%)14'53"/mi
1:26:49+ 2:13 (-15%)17'06"/mi
1:42:16- 1:39 (9%)15'27"/mi

Oh look who came with me today!  My wonderful husband.  I only let him run half of it with me.  He doesn't run and I didn't want him to get hurt.  He walks fast enough to pretty much keep up and he catches up when I take my walk break. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Recap

I had a good week. Training felt right on.  I really like my training plan and I love the Jeff Galloway method.  Its a good fit for me.  

So after yesterdays long run I realized I had to have try out some nutrition.  Off to Krogers I went and bought one of everything they had, which wasn't much, it's a start.  I have a really sensitive stomach and I am very nervous about eating anything while I run.  I realized now I have to.  So this is what I bought. 

A pack of Cliff Shot Blocks
Power Bar Gels Strawberry-Banana 
2 small Larabar's (I love these)
2 Cliff MoJo bars 

I know the Lara and MoJo aren't actual like runner's whatever but I like them and I know I know they won't upset my stomach.  I've also ordered a sample pack of Island Boost to try out.

I decided to give the Cliff Shot Blocks a try today.  I had 3 miles on the schedule today. I wasn't going to push at all today and I was going to run the hills around my house. I went out and did about 2 miles, swung past my house and grabbed some water and two shot blocks.  They tasted good, didn't mess with my stomach.  One thing, they were kinda hard to open.  I think I am going to take these on my next long run. 

Here's the plan for this week.

Monday- Rest
Tuesday- 3.5 miles + ST
Wednesday- Crosstraining 40 minutes + ST
Thursday- 3.5 miles
Friday- Rest
Saturday- I'm running my first 5k! (hopefully if the weather holds out)
Sunday- 4 miles. 

I'm supposed to do 7 miles on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. Since I'm going to do a 5k on Saturday I'm going put off the 7 miles till next week and up my 3 mile run to 4 on Sunday.  I have lots of wiggle room in my training plan and I don't want to push a 7 mile run the day after my first race!

I'm off to have some fun with my kiddo this week so I don't know if I'll be posting for a few days!  Have a great week!

PS- We had a great little bike ride last night, well my boys rode I walked/ran with them.  I snapped this picture of my husband (if your reading this hi baby!)  He's pretty cool when he wants to be and some awesome person bought him a pretty kick ass bmx bike for christmas! 

I love him!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Long Run

So I ran 6 miles this morning.  Seriously, 6 miles!  Isn't that insane!  I still am somewhat of disbelief.  Granted, it was a very slow 6 miles, but 6 miles none the less.  So here are a few things I learned on my run this morning.

1. I have to start taking something to eat.  I was doing good, feeling good I could have ran all day.  Till about 4.5 miles.  Then I was dizzy and light headed.  I couldn't go in a straight line.  I thought I was going to have to call someone to come get me.  I pushed through, I don't recommend that by the way, and finished my 6 miles.  Now had I had something to eat I think I would have finished strong and cut at least a few minutes off my time.  This week I will get some things to try. 

2. I'm more of a long distance girl.  The first 1-2 miles kill me.  I'm not sure why, any ideas?  I'm trying to to push hard, I always do a walk to warm up before I run.  Those first 2 miles are rough though.  About 2.5-3 is when I hit my groove. Once I got to 4 and 5 I really felt like I could have went all day, besides the whole dizzy thing.  It seems really odd to me, but I'm new at this so maybe its common.

So here are my times for today.  My sorta goal was under 1:30, i was at 1:37.  I think I would have crushed that if I had something to eat.  I'm still happy with my time.

MileTimeChangeAvg Pace
31:16- 0:07 (0%)15'34"/mi
47:10+ 0:18 (-2%)15'53"/mi
1:03:39+ 0:36 (-4%)16'29"/mi
1:20:03- 0:05 (0%)16'23"/mi
1:37:31+ 1:03 (-7%)17'27"/mi

Distance: 6 miles
Pace: 16:15

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Running on the 4th

I had a 3 mile run this morning.  It was blah.  I was very humid and I was so sweaty and my legs felt so heavy. I did it.  I finished my three miles.  It was nice to get it done and have the rest of the day free.  We are heading to the fireworks tonight.  Have a great 4th everyone!

Distance: 3:01
Pace: 16:28

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My week so far

I am worn out.  I'm not sure why but I am beat and its only Wednesday. 

So lets recap. Tuesday was supposed to be a 3 mile run. I tried. Twice.  My kiddo and I headed to the track nice and early.  He rode his bike and I ran.  It was good, for a little while.  He was hanging out on the bleachers and I got around to him and he burst into tears.  He had fell and scraped his knee and was ok till I got there.  It was just a little scratch, hes fine.  My run was over.  He limped back to the car.  I tried again later in the day when he was at my moms house.  By that time it was 85 and sunny out.  I made it two miles and I was done.  I went into my moms house, stretched, guzzled water, and crashed.  I forgot to turn off my nike+.  So my time is all messed up.  I made a guess at my second mile on my second run.  This is my time all added together. 

Distance: 3.5
Pace: 15:55

Now today, it was 40 minutes of cross training and 20 minutes of strength training.  It was good.  I made it to the gym and did 40 minutes on the bike then some free weights and ab work.  It was a good workout.  I am done.  So tired.  Its 8:30 and I'm ready for bed, which I will do soon. 

Distance: 7.13
Time: 40:13
That is all, its time for bed now.  I have a 3 mile run in the morning.   Good Night!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Easy Run

Sorry for missing a few days.  I'm playing catch up now.  We just kinda had an off weekend. I didn't get around to posting. 

I had a nice and easy run Sunday.  I wanted to go between 2-3 miles.  I did a lot of little hills.  I try to run on the about once a week.  I didn't do intervals, I just wanted to run till I needed to walk.  I knew I wouldn't be able to run up the hills the whole time.  It was really nice to get out and just run.  Not worry about time, pace or intervals. 

Distance: 2.36 Miles
Pace 16:56

Here's my schedule for this week. 

Monday- Rest
Tuesday- 3 miles + ST
Wednesday- 40 minutes XT
Thursday- 3 miles
Friday- Rest
Saturday- 6 miles
Sunday- 3 miles

5 miles

So I ran 5 miles.  Seriously.  It was pretty cool.  Granted I am still doing the Jeff Galloway method.  I am doing a 1/1 ratio.  One minute of running followed by one minute of walking.  I really like this method.  Its great for training for my first half.  Maybe one day I can move past this method, but for now, I am happy with it.  It felt great. I still can't believe I did it.  I tried the slowing down the first mile and getting faster.  I did good the first mile and tried to speed it up.  I went to fast on the second mile but I am very happy with my time! Here are my splits.

MileTimeChangeAvg Pace
30:47- 1:10 (7%)14'48"/mi
46:29+ 0:54 (-7%)15'42"/mi
1:02:20+ 0:08 (-1%)15'50"/mi
1:18:26+ 0:14 (-2%)16'05"/mi

I'm very happy with my time!  I wanted to finish under a 16:00 pace and it was 15:43.  Five miles,  I still can't believe it!

Distance: 5 miles

Pace: 15:43

5 miles and a smile!  Run Happy!